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Complete 2013 Pond Plant List
The plant list that you see below, is a complete list of all the plants that we are selling this year. That's not to say that they will all be in stock at all times, or that we won't sell some new varieties if we get them in. It's merely a list of all the plants we sell located on one page, for your convenience - so you won't have to search our entire site for them. Please Note that prices are not included in this list. For all current pricing, please click on one of the links (in our left-hand nav bar) under the "Pond Plants and Related Supplies" category.
All plants are alive and healthy when shipped....and with the exception of lotus, are not dormant plants. Water lilies are living, rooted plants that are cut from larger "mother" plants....they are not boxed or dormant plants. Submerged plants, unless otherwise specified, are sold as bunched "tip" cuttings (rooted or unrooted), and usually are shipped with metal weights attached.
All water lilies are shipped bare-root, with all the soil washed from their roots and have at least 3 to 5-leaves on them. Most marginals are shipped rooted in soil and grown in 2" mesh pots....that doesn't mean the plants are small though, as some are over 3' tall. Lotus are usually shipped bare-root and dormant, in bags filled with "dry" sphagnum moss. If they have begun to break dormancy in late spring, they'll be shipped in wet newspaper. Unless otherwise specified, aquarium and submerged plants are sold rooted or unrooted, and in the case of submerged pond plants, in bunched cuttings.
In 2005 we added a new selection to our list of tropical (marginal) plants....Dwarf Giant Papyrus. It was only available for sale in 4" pots until last year when we began offering them in 2" pots. With its exotic looks and compact growth, it has quickly become our most requested plant introduction in recent years. They're still available in limited supply, so get yours early....as we usually sell out of all of our stock early in the season.
We have an enormous list of true-aquarium plants to choose from. This year, we'll be stocking (6) new, true-aquatic plants for the aquarium. These first six plants are the most popular plants that our customers have asked for over the years. We'll be adding more plants to this list as time and space permits.
If you don't see any of the aquarium plants that you're looking for, email us us with your requests and we will do our best to get them for you. Note: "Custom" aquarium plant orders must be ordered in minimum quantities of 6-plants or bunches (same variety / same color).
Winter Plant Shipping Note:
Due to colder weather that may be present in your area, all plant orders purchased between January 1st and May 1st are held for shipment at a later, more weather appropriate time for your area....sometime after March 15th. Please....We encourage you to request an appropriate shipping date (for your geographical area) when you place your order.
Aquarium Plants
Click on link above to purchase "Aquarium" plants
True-Aquarium plants are shipped "bare-root" with all the soil washed off of them or as potted plants. Aquarium / Submerged plants are shipped as rooted or unrooted cuttings in bunches of 6 or more cuttings (unless otherwise specified); single bare-rooted plants; or as a single strand.
Though some of these plants will perform well in your outdoor pond, most are considered tropical by nature and need a little extra (indoor) care.
Bunched plants come with or without, banded-metal weights attached to them. If preferred, you can request to have them shipped with or without the metal weights. Note: These metal weights are made of a magnesium / zinc alloy and are said to be harmless to fish, plants and other aquatic life in the pond.
Anubias "Nana" (Anubias barteri "Nana")
Banana Plant (Nymphoides aquatica)
Corkscrew Val (Vallisneria americana "Biwaensis")
Cryptocoryne Wendtii "Red" (Cryptocoryne wendtii "red")
Java Fern (Microsorium pteropus)
Micro Sword Grass (Lilaeopsis novae-zelandiae)
Anacharis (Egeria densa)
Bacopa (Bacopa caroliniana)
Cabomba, Purple (Cabomba pulcherrima)
Foxtail (Myriophyllum heterophyllum)
Hornwort (Ceratophyllum demersum)
Jungle Val (Vallisneria americana)
Moneywort (Bacopa monnieri)
Dwarf Sagittaria (Sagittaria subulata)
Submerged / Oxygenating Plants
Click on link above to purchase "Submerged/Oxygenating" plants
Submerged / Oxygenating plants are shipped as rooted or unrooted cuttings in bunches of 6 or more cuttings (unless otherwise specified); single bare-rooted plants; or as a single strand.
Bunched plants come with or without, banded-metal weights attached to them. If preferred, you can request to have them shipped with or without the metal weights. Note: These metal weights are made of a magnesium / zinc alloy and are said to be harmless to fish, plants and other aquatic life in the pond. All Submerged plants are shipped with planting and care instructions.
Anacharis (Egeria densa)
Bacopa (Bacopa caroliniana)
Cabomba, Purple (Cabomba pulcherrima)
Foxtail (Myriophyllum heterophyllum)
Hornwort (Ceratophyllum demersum)
Jungle Val (Vallisneria americana)
Moneywort (Bacopa monnieri)
Dwarf Sagittaria (Sagittaria subulata)
Floating Plants
Click on link above to purchase "Floating" plants
Floating plants (Azolla, Duckweed and Salvinia) are sold in ¼-cup "dry" portions, though we usually give more unless our stock is low. Sensitive Plant is sold as a rooted cutting that is at least 6" to 8" in length. Parrot's Feather is sold as rooted or unrooted bunched cuttings. Water Hyacinth and Water Lettuce are sold as single floating plants, sometimes with small plantlets attached. Floating plants (with the exception of Sensitive Plant) do not need to be planted in soil....simply float them on the water. Mosaic Plant, Parrot's Feather and Sensitive Plant should be planted in soil and allow the leaves to float on the water. All Floating plants are shipped with planting and care instructions.
Azolla - water fern (Azolla caroliniana)
Duckweed (Lemna minor)
Mosaic Plant (Ludwigia sedioides)
Parrot's Feather (Myriophyllum aquaticum)
Salvinia - Floating Moss (Salvinia minima)
Sensitive Plant (Neptunia oleracea)
Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes)
Water Lettuce (Pistia stratiotes)
Lotus Tubers
Click on link above to purchase "Lotus" tubers
Lotus tubers are shipped from early March through late May or early June, only. They sell out fast....GET YOUR ORDER IN EARLY. They are usually shipped bare-root and dormant, in bags filled with "dry" sphagnum moss. If they have begun to break dormancy in late spring, they'll be shipped in wet newspaper. All Lotus are shipped with planting and care instructions.
Chawan Basu - Semi-Dwarf - Nelumbo (white with pink tips)
Double Rose - Nelumbo (double - rose/pink)
Momo Botan - Dwarf - Nelumbo (pink)
Mrs. Perry D. Slocum - N. nucifera (changeable)
Perry's Giant Sunburst - N. nucifera (yellow)
Red Scarf - N. nucifera (red)
Marginal / Bog (Hardy)
Click on link above to purchase "Marginal/Bog (Hardy)" plants
Marginal / Bog (Hardy) plants are shipped either bare-root (no pot, and with soil washed off) or in 2" plastic mesh pots that usually range in height from between 1-foot and 3-feet or more. This of coarse depends on the variety, as some plants are small by nature. Aquatic Mint is usually shipped as a bare-root plant, or as an unrooted bunch of cuttings. Parrot's Feather is always sold as rooted (or unrooted) bunched cuttings. All Marginal Plants are shipped with planting and care instructions.
Aquatic Mint (Mentha aquatica)
Arrowhead (Sagittaria latifolia)
Arrowhead, Double Flowering (Sagittaria japonica)
Arrow Arum (Peltandra virginica)
Aztec Arrowhead (Sagittaria montevidensis)
Bamboo, Dwarf (Dulichium arundinaceum)
Canna, Hardy water (Thalia dealbata)
Cardinal Flower, Red (Lobelia cardinalis)
Cattail, Common (Typha latifolia)
Cattail, Dwarf (Typha minima)
Cattail, Narrow-leaf (Typha angustifolia)
Frog Bit, American (Limnobium spongia)
Flowering Rush (Butomus umbellatus)
Four Leaf Clover (Marsilea mutica)
Golden Club (Orontium aquaticum)
Horsetail (Equisetum hyemale) |
Iris:- Black Gamecock - purple (Louisiana Iris)
- Blue Flag - blue/purple (Iris versicolor)
- Red/Copper (Iris fulva)
- Yellow Flag (Iris pseudacorus)
Lizard Tail (Saururus cernuus)
Marsh Marigold (Caltha palustris)
Parrot's Feather (Myriophyllum aquaticum)
Pennywort (Hydrocotyle verticillata)
Pickerel Weed - purple (Pontederia cordata)
Pickerel Weed - white (Pontederia cordata "alba”)
Snowflake - white (Nymphoides indica)
Snowflake - yellow (Nymphoides geminata)
Spiderwort - blue (Tradesciantia virginiana)
Sweetflag - green (Acorus calamus)
Sweetflag, Variegated (Acorus calamus “Variegatus”)
Zebra Rush (Scirpus tabernae-montani “Zebrinus”)
Marginal / Bog (Tropical)
Click on link above to purchase "Marginal/Bog (Tropical)" plants
Marginal / Bog (Tropical) plants are shipped either bare-root (no pot, and with soil washed off) or in 2" plastic mesh pots that usually range in height between 1-foot and 3-feet. This of coarse depends on the variety, as some plants are small by nature. All Marginal Plants are shipped with planting and care instructions.
Aztec Arrowhead (Sagittaria montevidensis)
Bog Lily (Crinum americanum)
Canna; Longwood Hybrids:- Orange (Canna glauca ‘Taney’)
- Pink - (Canna glauca ‘Erebus’)
- Red (Canna glauca ‘Endeavour’)
- Yellow (Canna glauca ‘Ra’)
Canna - yellow (Canna flaccida)
Canna - orange (King Humbert)
Canna - red (Black Knight)
Papyrus, Dwarf (Cyperus haspans)
Papyrus, Dwarf Giant (Cyperus percamenthus)
Papyrus, Giant (Cyperus papyrus "giganteus")
Spider Lily (Hymenocallis liriosome)
Spider Lily, variegated (H. liriosome "variegata")
Taro:- Black Magic (C. esculenta "Black Magic")
- Green (Colocasia escalenta)
- Imperial (Colocasia antiquorum)
- Violet Stem (C. escalenta "Fontanesia")
Umbrella Palm (Cyperus alternifolius)
Umbrella Palm, Dwarf (C. alternifolius ‘Gracilis’)
Water Poppy (Hydrocleys nymphoides)
Water Lily (Hardy)
Click on link above to purchase "Water Lily (Hardy)" plants
Water Lilies (Hardy) are shipped "bare-root" (with all the soil washed off the tuber and roots) with at least 3 to 5 leaves on them. Hardy water lilies will have a 1" to 8" long tuber (depending on variety). Some water lilies are shipped with flower buds already on them. However, this cannot be guaranteed. All Water Lilies are shipped with planting and care instructions.
...............Changeable- Chrysantha (orange-red-yellow)
- Comanche (rose-orange-red)
- Sioux (yellow-orange-red)
...............Red- Attraction (red)
- Gloriosa (red)
- James Brydon (red)
...............White- Marliac Albida (white)
- Queen of Whites (white)
- Snowball/Gonnere (white)
- Virginia (white)
...............Pink- American Star (pink)
- Colorado (salmon)
- Darwin, formerly "Hollandia" - (pink)
- Firecrest (pink)
- Madame Wilfron Gonnere (pink)
- Pink Beauty, formerly "Fabiola" / "Luciana" - (pink)
- Rose Arey (pink)
...............Yellow- Charlene Strawn (yellow)
- Chromatella (yellow)
- Mexicana (yellow)
- Sulphurea Odorata (yellow)
- Texas Dawn (yellow)
Dwarf Water Lily (Hardy)
Click on link above to purchase "Dwarf Water Lily (Hardy)" plants
...............White- Hermine (white)
- Tetragona (True white dwarf)
...............Yellow- Helvola (True yellow dwarf)
...............Red- Perry's Baby Red (red)
- Ellisiana (red)
Water Lily (Tropical - Day & Night Blooming)
Click on link above to purchase "Water Lily (Tropical)" plants
Water Lilies (Tropical) are shipped "bare-root" (with all the soil washed off the bulb and roots) with at least 3 to 5 leaves on them. Tropical water lilies grow different than hardy water lilies and come with a smaller, bulb-like, rooted tuber. Some water lilies are shipped with flower buds already on them. However, this cannot be guaranteed. All Tropical Water Lilies are shipped with planting and care instructions.
...............Blue (Day)- Margaret Mary(Blue)
- August Koch (Blue)
...............Red (Day)- Mr. Martin E. Randig (Red)
- General Pershing (Pink)
...............Red (Night)...............White (Night) |
...............White (Day)...............Yellow (Day)...............Pink (Night)- Mrs. George C. Hitchcock (Pink)
Water Lily-like Plants
Click on link above to purchase "Lily-like" plants
Water Lily-like plants are usually shipped in 2" plastic mesh pots, or as rooted or unrooted cuttings. Frog Bit is a floating plant and is sold as a rooted plant, similar to Water Hyacinth. With the exception of Frog Bit (which must be floated), they can either be planted in soil or floated on the water surface. (White Snowflake and Water Poppy are usually sold and shipped as potted plants. Yellow Snowflake is usually shipped as rooted cuttings.) All plants are shipped with planting and care instructions.
Frog Bit, American (Limnobium spongia)
Snowflake, White (Nymphoides indica) |
Snowflake, Yellow (Nymphoides geminata)
Water Poppy (Hydrocleys nymphoides) |