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Please Note: You are purchasing dormant tubers, not living plants. (You are purchasing a tuber, not the flower in the picture.) The flowers in the following pictures, as well as those flowers found on our our water lily pages, are those of mature, flowering plants.
GET YOUR LOTUS ORDERS IN EARLY.....Lotus tubers sell out fast. Lotus tubers are shipped from early March through late May, only.
Lotus are usually shipped bare-root and dormant, in bags filled with "dry" sphagnum moss. If they have begun to break dormancy in late spring, they'll be shipped in wet newspaper. All Lotus are shipped with planting and care instructions.
Plant Shipping Note:
Plants cannot be shipped with dry goods and must be ordered separately. All plants are shipped via USPS Priority Mail ONLY and most Dry Goods are shipped via UPS Ground service. Therefore you must choose the USPS Priority Mail option to ship your plants, and the UPS Ground service option to ship your dry goods.
Important Note:
The list of states where certain pond plants are prohibitted for sale in has now grown. Keep all purchased pond plants confined to your pond, only. Please do not release them into natural waterways or other bodies of water.
Before buying your plants, click on our "Prohibited Plant List", to see if the plants you want are permitted in your state.
Winter Plant Shipping Note:
Due to colder weather that may be present in your area, all plant orders purchased between January 1st and mid-March are purchased with the understanding that they will be held for shipment at a later, more weather appropriate time for your area. We start shipping plants to the south (first) sometime after March 15th. We encourage you to request an appropriate shipping date for your area (when you place your order), or we will ship them at what we determine is the appropriate time for your area. We will not be held responsible for late frosts or freezes in your area.